Mean scores of college-bound seniors by sex.
race and ethnicity: 1984 - 1994.  Source: 
"Women, Minorities, and Persons With
Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 1996" 
MATH: 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Total 471 475 475 476 476 476 476 474 476 478 479
Male 495 499 501 500 498 500 499 497 499 502 501
Female 449 452 451 453 455 454 455 453 456 457 460
White 487 490 NA 489 490 491 491 489 491 494 495
Black 373 376 NA 377 384 386 385 385 385 388 388
Asian 519 518 NA 521 522 525 528 530 532 535 535
Am. Indian 427 428 NA 432 435 428 437 437 442 447 441
Mex. Amer 420 426 NA 424 428 430 429 427 425 428 427
P.R. 405 409 NA 400 402 406 405 406 406 409 411
Lat. Amer NA NA NA 432 433 436 434 431 433 433 435